Project Type

Mobile Application


Alarm Application (Utility)


The client contacted us with a requirement for an alarm mobile application. The objective was that the end user can create a group of people and set alarms within the app. Here the user can log in with an email, mobile number, or social media account, and invite other members. Users can set the required time of the alarm which can be shared with other members of the group.

The platform has 1 interface: End-User Mobile Application

The Challenges


  • Time zone management for various countries.
  • Managing the actions of unregistered users’ invitation actions for the group.
  • Managing different versions of the mobile application which runs on the same device.
  • Compatibility of different functionalities with iOS and Android platforms

Our Solution

Our experienced developers have successfully created the mobile alarm app. The technologies we used are MongoDB, Ionic framework, Node JS, and AWS Services (EC2, SNS – SMS service, & SES).  We have integrated the feature of “group type” in which users can change into “shared” or “closed” which determines the access right of setting the alarm.



  • Users can log in with email, mobile number, and social media i.e. Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google.
  • Users can create a group by inviting members through email and mobile numbers.
  • Users can set various roles for members of the group i.e, admin or users.
  • Users can set the Group type which can be Shared or Closed.
    • If the group type is Shared, then all members of the group can set alarms for that group.
    • If the group type is Closed, then only the admin can set alarms for the group.
  • Admin users can edit the group details.
  • Admin users can remove any member from the group.
  • Users can set alarms individually for himself/herself.
  • Users can see the invitation to join the various group in the notification list. He/she can accept or reject the invitations.
  • The notification list contains two parts
    • The first part is informative where the user can see the details like who created or updated the alarm for the group, who changed his/her role in the group, the name of the person who accepts or rejects the invitation, etc.
    • The second part is actionable where the user can accept or reject the invitations to join the groups.

Tech Stack


Ionic Framework

Node JS

AWS Services


Let's get in touch


4411 Suwanee Dam road,Bld. 300 Ste. 350, Suwanee GA, 30024

Sales: +1 (415) 230 0051


Kemp House 160 City Road, London, United Kingdom EC1V 2NX

Sales: +44 7404 607567


101, Kalasagar Shopping Hub,Opp Sattadhar Saibaba Temple,B/h Sattadhar Bus-stand,Sattadhar,Gujarat-380061

Sales: +91 999-894-5667

For Project Inquiries skypebiz.solutionanalysts